Wednesday, September 9, 2009


If you didn't already know, the doctor had me do a series of sonograms for my liver, kidneys and Gallbladder. Everything came out excellent except for my Gallbladder. He did a whole bunch of bloodwork to find out if I had any infections or abnormalities to worry about and thankfully it all came back excellent. My Gallbladder apparently has been like this for a while. It's contracting, which means it's diseased and I have Gallstones. So the good news and the bad news. The good news is that they aren't going to do anything because I haven't had any painful attacks AND there is no infection. I have go on a low-fat diet to help from getting those attacks because if I do then I could end up in the ER and have to have major surgery while pregnant. He said the way it looked I shouldn't have any of those problems. The bad news, which I actually find a blessing in disguise is that I do have to have it removed. If everything goes well, I can wait until 6 weeks after the baby is born and then do an outpatient procedure to remove the stupid thing. He said it's just better to do it now and get it over with because the stones can come back and I may potentially have a very bad problem with it. So I thank God that he found them early and we can do something about it before it gets worse I'm very thankful that it's nothing else, especially because this is an extremely common issue. It's nice to know that I share this with MANY women and I'm not alone! The last thing is, I know some of you might be wondering how it will affect me and the baby afterwards. It won't! It's an outpatient procedure and the healing time is outstanding SOOOO it will be just fine! I ask you guys to PLEASE keep me in your prayers that I don't have any attacks and I will be able to make it until after the baby because the it's not good for me or the baby to have the surgery done in the next 7 months!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Kimmy. I will pray for you and baby. I am glad to hear how you are doing. I am glad you and baby are okay. So if I understand, you will have to remove your gall bladder once baby is born. Wow. I will pray you will not have any problems. Take care. God bless.

